Friday, February 22, 2013

Welcome to Gabriella Flores' Classroom Management Toolbox Blog

6-8 Grade 

Classroom management, often called classroom discipline, has been a priority for teachers for nearly 40 years, or for as long as there have been opinion surveys of educational priorities. In a 2006 survey of Pre-K through 12th grade teachers conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA), teachers identified help with classroom management and instructional skills as their top need. Results from over 2300 responses showed that teachers wanted assistance with classroom management because of their concerns about student safety and their desire for strategies to deal effectively with students’ negative and/or disruptive behaviors. 

Tom Kratochwill, (2006). Classroom Management. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed March 12, 2013].
Click here to see some helpful documents for classroom management

This video offers helpful tips for classroom management

A. (2009, 5). YouTube - Top 10 Proven Classroom Management Tips for Teachers. Retrieved March 12, 2013, from
This video is helpful to think about how to solve behavior problems with classroom management

IrisEd (2010). Managing Middle School Classrooms: Behavior Expectations. [ONLINE]].

Here are some helpful website to give you more information in classroom management

American Psychology association

National Association of education

10 Tips for Effective Classroom Management

Education Oasis 

Books that can be helpful for classroom management

 Management: A Survival Guide

Management: Creating a Positive Learning Environment

Classroom Management: A Resource Manual for Frontline Teachers