Parent/Family Involvement

Educating children is a shared responsibility between parents and teachers. When parents participate in their child's school experience, everyone wins. Teachers can gain valuable resources when parents are involved in the classroom. Parents can enrich the classroom curriculum by their different cultures, their careers, music, sports, and other experiences in various areas. Teachers can always use an extra set of hands and adult role models in the classroom.

Helpful documents for parents/family involvement in the classroom

Helpful websites to engage parents to be involved in their children education

Parent Involvement in the classroom

Parent involvement in the classroom

38 easy ways to get involved in the classroom

These 2 YouTube videos are great tool to encourage parents to participate in their children education.
teachertubetutorials (2012). How To- PSA Parent Involvement [Video file] [Video file]. Retrieved March 13, 2013, from

pcanj (2010). Parent Involvement in Education: The key to Future Success [Video file] [Video file]. Retrieved March 13, 2013, from

Books to consider

The Parent Project: A workshop Approach to Parent Involvement

Building Parent Involvement Through the Arts: Activities and Projects

Promising Practices for Teachers to Engage Families of English Language Learners

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