Routines in the Classroom

Effective classroom teachers spend more of their time in the first few weeks of the year teaching classroom routines and procedures as opposed to academic content. Why? Because routines and procedures are the key to a well-managed, organized classroom.

Here are some helpful documents that will help you establish classroom routines and procedures

Click here to see them

Here is a great Scholastic Website for effective routines

These 2 YouTube videos give examples of how to use routines in two different classroom settings

Developmentaldesigns (2011). Classroom Routines Signal for Silence [Video file] [Video file]. Retrieved March 13, 2013, from

pinginx2 (2010). Bright Futures Classroom -Routine [Video file] [Video file]. Retrieved March 13, 2013, from

This website is great to design and establish effective classroom routines for successful school year

Here are some books to consider while planing for classroom routines 

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