Procedures in the Classroom

Most behavior problems in the classroom are caused by the teacher’s failure to teach students how to follow procedures. Teachers must learn how to effectively convey the procedures just as students must learn how to follow the procedures.

This power point is an example of how teachers may present their procedures and expectations to their middle school students

Mr. Hennessee, (2012). Classroom Procedures and Expectations. . 1 (), pp.14

Procedures are important to maintain a safe classroom environment. Promotes student community and ensures classroom management. Here is a website that explains how to incorporate procedures to your every day lessons.

SchulteMath (2012). Behavior_Classroom Rules and Procedures. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed March 12, 2013].

Here are some ideas to implement to your classroom Books to consider Rewriting Classroom Rules and Procedures:an Affective Framework Teaching students to care The classroom Manager: Procedures and practices to improve Instruction

Books to consider 

The classroom Manager: Procedures and practices to improve Instruction

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