Cultural Sensitivity in the Classroom

Culturally Responsive Classroom is an approach to running classrooms with all children, [not simply for racial/ethnic minority children] in a culturally responsive way. More than a set of strategies or practices. This is a pedagogical approach that guides the management decisions that teachers make.

Click here to see helpful documents for culturally responsible classrooms

These links are great tools for learning how to make your classroom culturally responsible

Culturally Responsible Teaching

Culturally responsible classroom management strategies

This YouTube video is an example of how a lesson can be demonstrated in a culturally responsive classroom

JoeErker (2011). Culturally Responsible Teaching and Learning . flv [Video file] [Video file]. Retrieved March 13, 2013, from

Books to consider to help you implement a culturally responsible classroom

Building Culturally Responsible Classroom: A guide for Teachers K-12

Culturally Responsible Standards -based Teaching: Classroom to community and back

Becoming a Culturally Responsible Teacher in Today's Diverse Classroom

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